Alleged drunk driver crashes into car killing mother and child

A mother and her 5 month old baby were killed in a drunken driving accident while the husband survived. “A drunk male driver came at a very high speed and hit our car. Right then I lost my family”, the husband, Zola Mateza, said.
Mateza said they were on the highway on their way back home to Du Noon and while crossing over a road his wife told him there was a car coming towards them. He saw the car coming at high speed. Mateza said that he did not cross over fast enough and the drunk driver dove straight into the car instantly killing his wife and son. Paramedics tried to help his wife, but were not able to save her. Their neighbour, also in the car, was taken to hospital.
Mateza said that the police tested the driver’s alcohol level and advised him to open a case. GroundUp attempted to get a comment from Tableview Police Station, but there was no reply.
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