ANC hands out t-shirts to voters in queues - parties cry foul
GroundUp witnessed ANC officials handing out t-shirts to people waiting to vote in Mfuleni. This happened at several polling stations. ANC officials actively canvassed voters to support the ANC.
Tensions are running high in Mfuleni. UDM and EFF representatives accused the ANC of breaking election rules. A UDM member said, “We also have party shirts but we are not giving them to people at voting stations because this is against the IEC rules.”
In Blue Downs opposition party representatives accused the ANC councillor in the area of campaigning and distributing t-shirts to people at the voting station.
Party representatives told GroundUp they will be writing an official complaint to the IEC.
A voter who has just received an ANC t-shirt. Photo by Johnnie Isaac.
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