Legal and illegal drag racing in Cape Town
Police say they are taking steps to combat illegal drag racing activities in light of the growing popularity of the dangerous sport.
Drag racing and extreme motor sport is a popular form of enjoyment in Cape Town and has become a way of life for many Capetonians. Much of it takes place legally at proper race tracks. However, some racers often indulge in Illegal drag racing. This is a dangerous hobby where street racers push for high speeds in order to gain street credibility from fellow car enthusiasts. These drivers often pay little mind to their safety and the safety of other road users.
Darelle Rhoode, a Volkswagen enthusiast, says this is unnecessary. “I don’t know why people go out on the roads and act like that. They put a lot of people in a lot of danger. There are places like Killarney where they can do it safely.”
According to Adrian Long, Principal Inspector for Cape Town Traffic Services, “Illegal drag racing is very popular amongst youngsters who often spend a large percentage of their salaries to modify their vehicles. In some instances it would be for financial gain as many races have bets placed on the winners. Many illegal dragsters see street racing as a sport with few rules where anything goes. Then there is the thrill of getting caught or chased by the Police or Traffic Officers.” Long also commented that many other illegal activities such as alcohol and drug use take place during these gatherings.
In response to these offences the City has bulked up its efforts to combat illegal drag racing activities. Long explained, “Traffic Officials are sent out at night often till the early hours of the morning. Specialized units including the Ghost Squads and Speed teams together with the Road Haulage teams [examiner of motor vehicles] form the nucleus of the illegal drag racing units. So far more than 500 arrests and over 60,000 notices have been issued during these operations.”
The following areas are hotspots for illegal drag racers: Atlantis, Bellville, Athlone, Mitchells Plain, Grassy Park, Strand, Ravensmead, Sea Point, Montague Gardens.
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