Man implicated in death of Khayelitsha youth activist found dead

A man was found dead on Thursday last week at Lwazi Street in Khayelitsha site B. He was later identified by the police as 22-year-old Wonke “Oscar” Mchasa.
“Oscar” had been implicated in a number of violent crimes in the past and most recently in the death of Khayelitsha education activist Athenkosi Nteyi. On his deathbed Nteyi is reported to have told his brother that he was stabbed by “Oscar”.
Lieutenant Colonel Andre Traut, Western Cape police spokesperson said: “Khayelitsha police found a body of a male on the crime scene with stab wounds on his chest and back. The deceased was later identified as Wonke Mchasa. The victim died as a result of his injuries”
Police say the circumstances surrounding the death are still being investigated and a case of murder has been opened.
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