Neighbour tries to bury Siqalo informal settlement
Rubble dumping on the fringe of Siqalo informal settlement has forced hundreds of shackdwellers to evacuate their homes. Those on the fringe of the settlement have experienced large boulders hitting their shacks. The mound from the dumping, which has shot up since the beginning of the year, has prevented winter rains from draining - leaving dozens of households flooded and abandoned. Yet, the owner of the plot adjacent to Siqalo who allows the dumping to go ahead unchecked, claims that the mound is a necessary safety barrier between his land and the settlement.
The wall of rubble spilling into and threatening the informal settlement.
Dozens of homes have had to be abandoned by the rising waters dammed by the wall of rubble.
Siqalo viewed from the rising mound of rubble.
Zilungile Lusizi and 8-month-old Anganathi can only reach their marooned home via a makeshift gang plank.
Homes are flooded by the rising waters.
A child plays near a stinking, stagnant pool of water after the recent winter rain (4 August 2014).
A truck arrives to dump yet more building rubble on the site and clouds threaten more rain.
A truck dumps rubble at Siqalo.
One of the homes still on safe ground at Siqalo.
Boulders and rubble has rolled down into some homes.
A man digs, scrounging in the rubble dumped at Siqalo.
Chris Doyi of Siqalo shows GroundUp the flooded area.
For the story read the article Dumping on the poor.
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