Survivors mark anniversary of tragic Marshalltown fire

100 people gather at Usindiso building to light candles

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Survivors of the Marshalltown fire marked the anniversary of the tragedy at the site on Saturday. Photos: Ihsaan Haffejee

Around 100 people gathered at the site of the Usindiso building in Marshalltown, Johannesburg, on Saturday to mark the anniversary of the inferno that claimed the lives of over 70 people.

Survivors, family members of the deceased and some activists were present at the solemn occasion which began with a prayer for those who lost their lives in the fire.

The event was organised with the help of the Marshalltown Fire Justice Campaign to highlight the plight of the survivors of the Usindiso fire.

Survivors addressed the crowd recalling the pain and trauma of the night of the fire and expressing their disappointment with the way they have been treated. Some have said they plan to pursue a class action lawsuit against the City of Johannesburg to demand compensation.

General Moyo from the Marshalltown Fire Justice Campaign urged survivors to remain united and steadfast in their pursuit of justice.

Among those present was survivor Mike Ngulube who lost both his wife and his 21-month-old child. Ngulube is still waiting to bury his child as her body was mistakenly given to another family for burial. He is waiting for authorities to sort out the issue so he can finally lay her to rest.

Candles were lit for all the victims of the fire and placed outside the building while the crowd sang hymns.

Survivor Mike Ngube lights a candle outside the Usindiso building during the commemoration.

TOPICS:  Fire Housing

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