Who we’re voting for
South Africans share their views
We asked people who they are going to vote for tomorrow. Here’s what they told us.

Sazi WiIlliams says he’s going to vote for the EFF. He says he has no specific reason for doing so except that he likes the drama they cause in Parliament.
“If we vote them out then there won’t be any drama in Parliament. I just love the drama,” he says.

Godfrey Ndlovu says that he would vote, if he had an ID. The 44-year-old former inmate is homeless. He lives under a bridge. He has been unable to replace his lost ID as he can’t afford the R140 replacement fee. If he were able to vote he would vote for the DA, saying “I love Zille” and that “Zuma doesn’t make a change.”

Mama Adonis, who is 96, cast a special vote yesterday. She was visited by Deputy-President Cyril Ramaphosa last Thursday. “The only thing that I need in my house is a toilet inside. I have to walk to the toilet at the back of the house when nature calls. Times are really tough during winter because I struggle to walk due to my age,” says Adonis.

John King says, “I am voting for the ANC. It has offered everyone a free and fair constitution. It is the first party to cause transformation in South Africa. There are upgrades in my area, streets and houses. When it comes to education, it has done well … schools are built.”

Linda Ncobela is 61. He lives in a mud house with his family. His leg was amputated in 2011 due to illness. He says his ward councillor has done nothing for him. “I don’t see a need for voting. If there were fruits of it I would have tried by any means or asked my family to take me to the voting station. All my life I have been struggling and it’s even worse now that I’m a man with one leg. Voting has never helped me and it won’t help me at all,” he says.

Angelique Klinkradt says, “I will be voting for change because it has been a while since we have seen any change in this country. I will be voting DA. That is all I can say.”

Zizo Sangotsha says, “I am not even going to vote because I don’t see any need to vote. I am unemployed but I have graduated from tertiary. There is no change with this current government, so I will not waste my time and vote for this chaotic government.”

Nasif Sydow says, “I’ll be voting for the DA. I used to be an ANC supporter but logic prevailed. I’m hoping that the rest of the country, as well, will vote based on logic rather than blind faith and racial lines.”

Alwin Adonis says, “Yes I will be voting because the ANC has brought us to freedom and we are where we are because of the ANC, and white people must never rule our country again. In terms of supplying houses the ANC has been doing very well.”

Annette Webb says, “Tomorrow I will be voting because I am sick and tired of empty promises. The Eastern Cape is the worst province because it is full of corruption by the government people. Our streets are filthy. Roads are full of potholes. I hope the party I will be voting for tomorrow will bring a massive change.”
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