Articles for Zackie Achmat

The Auditor-General Problem

The Auditor-Generalโ€™s (AG) report on the use of consultants and contractors demonstrates some very important facts. It shows that government is operating in an environment where financial and other controls are lacking. This not only creates an atmosphere in which corruption blossoms, but also allows for those contractors appointed in good faith to take chances and not perform their contractual obligations properly.

Daniel Hofmeyr and Zackie Achmat

Opinion | 30 January 2013

Holocaust denial is hateful, immoral and factually wrong

Holocaust denialism is hateful, immoral and factually wrong. It legitimises the taking of measures by individuals, organisations and governments that lead to the destruction of human dignity and life. This destruction of dignity and life is based on ideologies of hate and profit.

Zackie Achmat

Opinion | 14 December 2012