Articles for Raymond Joseph

Lottery money goes to waste as school falls apart

R28.3 million handed over to a boxing promoter with no experience in construction

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Feature | 5 October 2018

Living on a lottery prayer

How poor people keep the Lottery coffers filled

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Feature | 1 March 2018

West Coast Fossil Park: A lottery success story

Museum showcases what the Western Cape looked like millions of years ago

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Feature | 22 February 2018

SPCA dropped by Lottery

Cuts affect services to poor communities

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Feature | 21 February 2018

Lottery: R6 billion for sport, only R2.8 billion for education

Sascoc depends on Lotto for its existence

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Feature | 20 February 2018

How the Lotto money is spent

Sascoc is biggest recipient since 2002

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Brief | 19 February 2018