Articles for Tania Broughton

Covid-19: Motshekga urged to restore school feeding schemes during lockdown

Concern about need to provide meals for nine million learners


News | 13 April 2020

Covid-19: Judge scolds union for “untenable” case against Minister of Health

“Under circumstances of national disaster, everyone is called upon, for the good of society as a whole, to co-operate in bringing the pandemic under control.”


News | 11 April 2020

Covid-19: Health minister calls for volunteers

NGOs and retired medical professionals especially needed


Brief | 9 April 2020

Covid-19: Shackdwellers lose court case to stop demolitions

“Covid-19 does not mean that there must be a holiday in respecting the laws of the country” says Durban mayor

By and

News | 8 April 2020

Covid-19: Children allowed to move between parents’ households - in some cases

Regulations changed on Tuesday to assist separated families


Brief | 8 April 2020

Covid-19: Textile industry agrees on temporary relief for employees

This is one of the first of several similar agreements being negotiated across different industries


Brief | 7 April 2020

Covid-19: New regulations clamp down on profiteering

Competition Tribunal can deal with matters urgently and impose pricing orders


Law | 4 April 2020

Covid-19: New regulations make it easier to trace contacts of infected people

Retired judge to be appointed to protect right to privacy


Law | 2 April 2020

Covid-19: “Look at him pretending to care” - cool welcome for mayor at Glebelands hostel

“Our rubbish has not been collected for four weeks. But the truck suddenly comes at the same time as the mayor today.”


News | 2 April 2020

Judge bars lawyers from collecting fees for “vexatious” land claim case

For years, law firm Sinama and Associates pursued a land claim with “no shred of evidence”, ending in a loss for the claimants


Law | 18 March 2020

Marikana occupiers reach landmark agreement with property owners

Showdown in Supreme Court of Appeal averted


Law | 6 March 2020

Concourt brings relief to children of foreign parents

If you were born in South Africa to non-citizens you can apply to be a citizen


Law | 26 February 2020

Judge slams City of Cape Town for not enforcing its own bylaws

City accused of failing to act against Greenmarket Square protesters


Law | 18 February 2020

SA’s new refugee regulations could have been drafted by Trump, says activist

Ban on political activity is “illegal, unconstitutional and contrary to the UN convention on refugees”


Law | 17 January 2020

Court rules that child offenders, victims and witnesses may not be named - even in adulthood

Parliament given 24 months to correct Criminal Procedure Act


Law | 5 December 2019

Understanding the SCA’s freedom of expression judgment

“The legislature may well have wanted to regulate hate speech as broadly as possible, but it has not done so with the necessary precision” explains Judge Navsa


Law | 2 December 2019