Articles for Loyiso Dyongman

Covid-19 grant beneficiaries hoping for a miracle

Monthly grant is due to come to an end in January


News | 27 January 2021

Makhanda occupiers say they can no longer afford to pay rent

Municipality is concerned with informal settlements mushrooming in the city


News | 21 January 2021

When you have to spend R120 to access your R350 social grant

Eastern Cape beneficiaries travel 100km to try to beat the queues


News | 14 January 2021

Families abandoned to deadly asbestos risk

Makhanda councillor says they shouldn’t have occupied buildings


Brief | 10 December 2020

Despite a court order ten years ago, special needs school still has no building

Amasango Career School in Makhanda operates from six prefab classrooms


News | 23 November 2020

Raw sewage flowing into Makhanda Dam

City’s sewer system not coping


Brief | 11 November 2020

Makhanda unable to keep up with sewage spills

A sewage spill in Extension 9 has been unresolved for months


Brief | 16 October 2020