Opinion and Analysis

How to boost the Covid-19 vaccine rollout

Government has got a few things right, but there’s so much more it can still do

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Opinion | 18 August 2021

Vaccine denialism kills: Mail & Guardian has let down its readers

Those who dispute that the Covid vaccines used in South Africa are safe and effective are just wrong

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Opinion | 10 August 2021

Harsh prison terms won’t solve the crisis of gender-based violence

The certainty of arrest and prosecution, not long sentences, is what deters crime


Opinion | 9 August 2021

Cops who rape are rarely disciplined, data reveals

Many stay on the job


Analysis | 4 August 2021

Open letter to City of Cape Town: Fix our vleis!

“It is common knowledge that there are regular sewerage spills into Zandvlei”


Opinion | 3 August 2021

Cape Town has reached Transport Day Zero. This is why

Lack of political leadership at all tiers of government and a failure to implement transport planning policy are to blame

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Analysis | 29 July 2021

The Human Rights Commission is wrong: vaccines are not always optional

The Commission is undermining the state’s vaccine programme


Opinion | 29 July 2021

Yes, we can afford a Universal Basic Income Guarantee

It just needs political will

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Opinion | 28 July 2021

The Covid grant should be R585, so everyone can afford to eat

Black Sash launches a report into the implementation and impact of the Covid-19 SRD Grant

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Opinion | 27 July 2021

Covid-19 vaccines: Current challenge is not supply but using the available vaccines

The government’s plan requires vaccinating one million people per week, but it has only fully vaccinated 1.4 million people in nine weeks.

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Analysis | 22 July 2021

Unrest July 2021: Personal notes from a KZN reporter

“On Wednesday night for the first time in days, I went to bed with a little bit of hope”


Opinion | 16 July 2021

There is no right to carry a gun under our Constitution

Yet much debate on the Firearms Control Amendment Bill is based on the “right” to have a gun for self-defence


Opinion | 6 July 2021

We shouldn’t shift vaccines away from the elderly

Less than 40% of people over 60 have been vaccinated

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Analysis | 30 June 2021

Why is the government in such a muddle over vaccination?

Decisions are chaotic and lack transparency

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Opinion | 17 June 2021

South Africa’s vaccine rollout can succeed

But it will require leadership and tough negotiations with drug companies

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Analysis | 14 June 2021