South Africa is the most carbon-intensive G20 economy with the highest coal reliance
By Robyn Hugo
Opinion | 10 May 2021
The cases we know about are likely far outnumbered by those we don’t
Analysis | 13 April 2021
Gatekeeping officials are stopping people from exercising a constitutional right
Opinion | 7 April 2021
“Government appears to be leveraging the pandemic to suppress dissent”
Opinion | 22 February 2021
A thoughtless instruction to my school from the provincial education department may have cost lives
A Teacher
Opinion | 15 February 2021
Tuesday’s judgment in the mining company case provides key insights into how to recognise a SLAPP suit
Opinion | 11 February 2021
The Covid-19 delay to the start of the school year offers an opportunity to do things differently
Opinion | 10 February 2021
Dismissal of three executives on spurious grounds is a setback against the fight against corruption
By James Stent
Analysis | 2 February 2021
A court case brought by Afriforum risks undermining the scientific governance of medicine
Opinion | 29 January 2021
Extra hours, extra classes, WhatsApp calls into the night: it’s the teachers who listened and nurtured and cared
Opinion | 19 January 2021
An infectious diseases scientist describes how despite taking precautions her entire household is sick with Covid
Opinion | 4 January 2021
Proposed changes to the law do not go far enough
Opinion | 8 December 2020
We can do the same for Covid-19 and other diseases
Opinion | 1 December 2020
Laws criminalising conduct connected with gatherings do not align with the Constitution
Opinion | 20 November 2020
The Gauteng Township Economic Development Bill seeks to exclude people without permanent residence from the township economy
Opinion | 17 November 2020
Electoral Law Amendment Bill would give the Independent Electoral Commision full power to change voting methods
Opinion | 13 November 2020