Opinion and Analysis

South Africa’s carbon emission targets not nearly ambitious enough

South Africa is the most carbon-intensive G20 economy with the highest coal reliance


Opinion | 10 May 2021

Ten years after Andries Tatane was killed, police misuse of rubber bullets is still unchecked

The cases we know about are likely far outnumbered by those we don’t


Analysis | 13 April 2021

Municipalities are creating arbitrary requirements for “permission” to protest

Gatekeeping officials are stopping people from exercising a constitutional right


Opinion | 7 April 2021

Continued prohibition of political gatherings is irrational

“Government appears to be leveraging the pandemic to suppress dissent”


Opinion | 22 February 2021

Covid-19: How bureaucracy can kill

A thoughtless instruction to my school from the provincial education department may have cost lives

A Teacher

Opinion | 15 February 2021

SLAPPing back: Court checks corporate bullying

Tuesday’s judgment in the mining company case provides key insights into how to recognise a SLAPP suit


Opinion | 11 February 2021

Teachers, let’s use this time wisely

The Covid-19 delay to the start of the school year offers an opportunity to do things differently


Opinion | 10 February 2021

Executive who saved PRASA billions has been fired

Dismissal of three executives on spurious grounds is a setback against the fight against corruption


Analysis | 2 February 2021

Covid-19: Ivermectin obsession is dangerous

A court case brought by Afriforum risks undermining the scientific governance of medicine


Opinion | 29 January 2021

Teachers are the unsung heroes of the Covid-19 pandemic

Extra hours, extra classes, WhatsApp calls into the night: it’s the teachers who listened and nurtured and cared


Opinion | 19 January 2021

This virus is catchy - we need vaccines urgently

An infectious diseases scientist describes how despite taking precautions her entire household is sick with Covid


Opinion | 4 January 2021

Hawks’ ability to complain about political interference must be strengthened

Proposed changes to the law do not go far enough


Opinion | 8 December 2020

AIDS victories show what we can do if we try

We can do the same for Covid-19 and other diseases


Opinion | 1 December 2020

New police bill fails to address chilling effect on freedom of assembly

Laws criminalising conduct connected with gatherings do not align with the Constitution


Opinion | 20 November 2020

Gauteng Bill infringes on rights of foreign nationals

The Gauteng Township Economic Development Bill seeks to exclude people without permanent residence from the township economy


Opinion | 17 November 2020

Proposed changes to the way we vote are alarming

Electoral Law Amendment Bill would give the Independent Electoral Commision full power to change voting methods


Opinion | 13 November 2020