
Cape Town is letting the flowers grow

Decision not to mow in some city parks is an important boost for biodiversity


Science | 26 August 2022

Plastic pollution: We’re getting it wrong. Here’s what needs to happen

The focus on single-use plastics is diverting attention from a much more serious problem. It’s also causing bad practices.


Science | 19 August 2022

Hydrogen as fuel: we should be selective about how we make and use it

Hydrogen is a useful substitute for fossil fuels, but new research shows leakages can be very damaging to the environment


Science | 3 August 2022

South African engineers are trying to solve the global water crisis

But better politics as much as good engineering may be key


Science | 11 July 2022

Scientists sound alarm on badly run medical studies

More than half of clinical trials analysed showed a high risk of bias. It was especially bad for drug and alcohol studies.


Science | 13 June 2022

Ivermectin sent back to the worms by medicines regulator

Programme allowing the import and store of controversial drug for use against Covid brought to an end


Science | 30 May 2022

Nearly everyone in South Africa has Covid antibodies, study shows

Survey of blood donors in March finds 98% of adults are either vaccinated, previously infected or both


Science | 27 May 2022

Dirty air is invisible, but a real threat to health

Here’s how we can keep the air healthy at home, at work and on public transport

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Science | 18 May 2022

Two years into the Covid disaster, where do we stand?

Far fewer people are dying but the disease remains extremely serious

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Science | 12 May 2022

Waste plastic could beat coal as an energy source

We can eliminate this toxic pollutant - and make it profitable

Neil Stacey, James Fox, Klaus Moller, Diane Hildebrandt, David Glasser, and Celestin Sempuga

Science | 10 May 2022

Fresh air and better houses are weapons in the fight against TB

The disease has been rare in rich countries for 50 years, and one reason is decent housing


Science | 10 May 2022

This vaccine could save tens of thousands of South African lives each year, but we’ll only see it in 2030

Vaccines against TB are much slower to develop than Covid ones


Science | 9 May 2022

Anglo’s new hydrogen vehicle: bad engineering, good marketing

An astonishingly expensive process for turning electricity into less electricity


Science | 9 May 2022

We can still save our abalone and lobster stocks - here’s how

We need more inspectors, and we need the urgent implementation of the small-scale fisheries policy


Science | 4 May 2022

Electric cars are not yet a solution for South Africa

Evaluating the environmental footprint of electric cars


Science | 3 May 2022

Less talk, more action: South Africa’s failing response to the antibiotic resistance pandemic

Our government’s report card reads: “Must do better”

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Science | 10 February 2022