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Topic: Inheritance  |  Show questions and answers for all topics

Does my late ex-husband's girlfriend have claim to his estate?

Unless he made a will leaving his share of the property and assets to his girlfriend, she cannot claim his estate.

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If two unwed people owned a house together and one died after getting married to someone else, can the spouse sell the house?

The two title deed holders need to come to an agreement about the sale of the house.

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Does my son have any claim to my late parents' house?

No, but he will inherit part of your share of the house when you pass away.

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What are the rights of tenants in a boarding house where the late landlady had life rights?

After the death of the landlady, ownership reverts to the original owners but the PIE Act still applies.

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Is it easier to transfer a house while the person is alive or through a will?

It will be cheaper if the house is inherited by the heir through a will.

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Who will inherit the house: the person nominated as the beneficiary or the owner's child?

If the owner nominates an heir in their will, that person will become the legal owner of the house.

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What are the rights of children born in a polygamous marriage?

If the first wife agreed to the second marriage, the second wife and her children have the same protection and rights.

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Can my half-brother claim the house even though my parents were married in community of property?

No, but he has inherited a child's share, just like you and your sister.

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Can you make a will that allows beneficiaries to access the accounts even before the estate is wound up?

Unfortunately not. It is a legal requirement for your accounts to be frozen upon your death.

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What is a letter of authority and how can I get one?

The Master of the High Court issues a letter of authority to whoever was nominated to administer a deceased's estate.

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