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Topic: Housing  |  Show questions and answers for all topics

I applied for an RDP house in Delft in 2005 and still haven't received one. What are my options?

Unfortunately, this is a common story in Cape Town, and there has been a lot of anger and protests about it recently.

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How can I go about buying the house I'm living in?

It is worth having a credit check done. You may still qualify for a bank loan even with a bad credit record.

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I am a recipient of an RDP house. Where can I find my title deed?

The Deeds Office is responsible for registration and management of title deeds.

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My father's house was sold without his knowledge when he stopped paying home loan instalments.

A home loan provider can't repossess your property without trying to reach an agreement with you.

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Is it safe to buy an RDP house without a title deed?

A title deed is the only legal proof of ownership. Here's how to get one.

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How do I apply for an RDP house?

Here's how to apply.

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I applied for an RDP house in 2006 and I'm still waiting. What do I do?

Here's how to check where you are on the waiting list.

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How do I transfer ownership of an RDP house?

You will have to change the title deed to your name. This may involve an attorney. But perhaps it is not necessary to do the transfer.

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My dad died while on a waiting list for an RDP house. Can his children claim the house?

We don’t think it is possible to inherit your dad's place on the waiting list.

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How do I know where I am on the housing list?

The trouble with the waiting list is that there is more than one and there are different systems for allocating houses.

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