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Topic: Customary marriage | Show questions and answers for all topics
In Islam, it states clearly that the husband is responsible for providing for his wife and children financially. But you may need legal help.
You can only remarry if you get divorced, or if she and the court agree to you taking a second wife.
You cannot marry a second wife under customary law if you are already married to the first under civil law.
Not unless he wrote a will. You cannot remarry if you are still in a civil law marriage.
Not without the first wife and the court's permission
Because you did not agree to the second marriage, it is void. You can contest the will.
If the first wife agreed to the second marriage, the second wife and her children have the same protection and rights.
No, the law is very clear on this.
It was until 2004 when the laws changed to allow women in customary marriages to inherit.
No, if you have a civil marriage, you are only allowed to have one marriage at a time.