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Topic: Inheritance | Show questions and answers for all topics
If your mother died without making a will, the Intestate Succession Act would apply.
If there is no surviving spouse, the estate will be inherited by the descendants in equal shares.
If a person’s provident or pension fund has not been claimed, the fund will usually place the money in an Unclaimed Benefits Fund while they wait for it to be claimed.
No person is allowed to liquidate or distribute the estate of a deceased person without a letter of authority.
If there is no will, the Intestate Succession Act will apply.
It may be that your mother and children and the separated wife and her children are both entitled to inherit.
You can take the matter to court but the onus of proof is on you.
Yes, if no will is written, the inheritance will be distributed according to the Intestate Succession Act
If the buyer can prove that he paid the amount agreed between him and your late father then he can demand that the seller’s obligation, which is to deliver the property, is fulfilled,
You can contact the UIF Call Centre to ask that they help you. You can also lodge a complaint against the employee.