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Answers to your questions

Have a question you would like answered? Email us and we may answer it. The questions here are based on ones from our readers, with identifying information removed.

I'm an asylum seeker married to a South African. Can I apply for a spousal visa?

Yes, you can apply for a spousal visa.

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I have been served with papers banning me from the country. I have 30 days to respond. Where do I submit an appeal?

The answers to your questions are far from clear and we recommend contacting an organisation like Lawyers for Human Rights

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How can I go about buying the house I'm living in?

It is worth having a credit check done. You may still qualify for a bank loan even with a bad credit record.

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I am a recipient of an RDP house. Where can I find my title deed?

The Deeds Office is responsible for registration and management of title deeds.

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My refugee documents have expired and I've been given 14 days to leave the country. What can I do?

Here's where you can go for legal advice

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My father's house was sold without his knowledge when he stopped paying home loan instalments.

A home loan provider can't repossess your property without trying to reach an agreement with you.

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What is the process an application for permanent residence goes through and how long does each stage take?

Here are the various steps the application goes through, according to the Department of Home Affairs

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Is it safe to buy an RDP house without a title deed?

A title deed is the only legal proof of ownership. Here's how to get one.

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Can an asylum seeker claim unemployment insurance?

Yes, the courts have ruled that asylum seekers are entitled to claim UIF benefits.

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My asylum seeker permit has expired. What must I do to renew it?

You may need to get legal advice. Here are some organisations which might help.

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