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Topic: Inheritance | Show questions and answers for all topics
Unless he made a will leaving his share of the property and assets to his girlfriend, she cannot claim his estate.
After the death of the landlady, ownership reverts to the original owners but the PIE Act still applies.
If the owner nominates an heir in their will, that person will become the legal owner of the house.
It will be cheaper if the house is inherited by the heir through a will.
No, but he has inherited a child's share, just like you and your sister.
If the first wife agreed to the second marriage, the second wife and her children have the same protection and rights.
Unfortunately not. It is a legal requirement for your accounts to be frozen upon your death.
The Master of the High Court issues a letter of authority to whoever was nominated to administer a deceased's estate.
No, the deceased cannot leave the estate to someone else without their spouse's permission.
It depends on whether your mother left a will. You still have the 50% share left by your grandmother.