Climate change

Here’s how the Western Cape can prepare better for weather like we had in September

Climate change may bring more variable weather but we can reduce the risk of disasters


Science | 23 October 2023

Climate activists demand action at BRICS talks

Hundreds protest in Sandton where summit is underway


News | 23 August 2023

UK’s Jim Skea elected chair of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change

The IPCC is one of the most important bodies tackling climate change


Brief | 27 July 2023

Small farmers in the Cederberg still reeling from flood damage

Provincial department wants the area to be declared a disaster zone


News | 21 July 2023

Climate activists disrupt Standard Bank AGM

About 200 people picketed at the bank’s head office to demand it stop investing in fossil fuels


News | 12 June 2023

Petroleum bill is blind to the climate crisis

Petroleum resources development bill is “fatally flawed” and should be rejected, says the writer


Opinion | 5 June 2023

Climate change almost doubles the risk of wildfires in Cape Town, study shows

Fire Weather Index prior to 2021 UCT fire was highest ever recorded during autumn in Cape Town.


News | 6 March 2023

Action needed to reduce Cape Town’s water usage, says expert

Dam levels are set to fall below 50% in March. This time last year they were 80% full


News | 21 February 2023

“Total madness”: Fishers protest against ocean drilling

TotalEnergies plans to drill for oil and gas between Mossel Bay and Cape St Francis


Brief | 9 February 2023

“If they are coming to drill oil, who can guarantee there will be fish left in 15 years time?”

West Coast fishers respond to TotalEnergies’ plans to drill for oil and gas


News | 20 December 2022

Investment manager says no to plea for fossil fuel-free investment fund

Allan Gray says there are better ways to fight climate change


Brief | 30 November 2022

African women demand voice at climate change summits

“We need concrete solutions for climate change now”


Brief | 18 November 2022

About 300 Durban climate activists picket against oil and gas exploration

“We are not going to allow oil mining to exacerbate our climate change” says environmental activist


Brief | 11 November 2022

The media has failed to warn society about climate collapse, says science writer

Climate reporting guide for South African media launches


Brief | 16 September 2022

Small scale fishers call for halt to gas and oil exploration

“When foreign companies drill oil in our oceans, fish die”


Brief | 15 August 2022

Climate justice coalition marches to Ramaphosa’s office

Unions, mining communities, climate and energy activists hand over petition


Brief | 19 July 2022