
“I had to borrow R60 for taxis to collect my R350 grant”

Long queues in Makhanda force beneficiaries of Social Relief of Distress grant to return several times


News | 4 August 2022

Employees’ rights: what does the law say about Covid vaccination?

The situation is in flux after contradictory CCMA rulings. But there is guidance for employers and workers.


Law | 6 July 2022

Two years later: Over a thousand crèches still not paid Covid relief funds

“We are now in 2022 and not even 60% have been paid” says ECD principal


News | 24 June 2022

Scientists sound alarm on badly run medical studies

More than half of clinical trials analysed showed a high risk of bias. It was especially bad for drug and alcohol studies.


Science | 13 June 2022

Covid R350 grant to be paid from mid-June

Payments delayed by means testing processes


News | 6 June 2022

Court moves against looters of R220-million in Covid funds

No reason to unfreeze bank accounts, judge rules


Law | 6 June 2022

Ivermectin sent back to the worms by medicines regulator

Programme allowing the import and store of controversial drug for use against Covid brought to an end


Science | 30 May 2022

Nearly everyone in South Africa has Covid antibodies, study shows

Survey of blood donors in March finds 98% of adults are either vaccinated, previously infected or both


Science | 27 May 2022

Vendor’s relief as permit payments suspended for another six months

Customers were lost during the Covid pandemic, says Claremont fruit and vegetable trader


News | 24 May 2022

Dirty air is invisible, but a real threat to health

Here’s how we can keep the air healthy at home, at work and on public transport

By and

Science | 18 May 2022

No severance pay for employee who refused Covid vaccination

Her refusal was unreasonable, CCMA rules


Law | 17 May 2022

Two years into the Covid disaster, where do we stand?

Far fewer people are dying but the disease remains extremely serious

By and

Science | 12 May 2022

Early childhood development: hundreds of centres are still waiting for their Covid money

More than 1,700 have not yet been paid out in the Western Cape alone


Brief | 11 May 2022

Diep River floodplain families will fight eviction

The City of Cape Town has started an eviction process now that the moratorium has lifted with the end of the State of Disaster


News | 12 April 2022

Prison visits reinstated as National State of Disaster ends

Covid mandatory protocols and regulations will still be adhered to during visits


Brief | 7 April 2022

New code on vaccination in the workplace

A code of practice will replace the current Covid directions when the National State of Disaster lapses


Law | 18 March 2022