
Are South Africa’s pesticide rules outdated?

Farm workers and consumers should be worried, says public health expert. But industry body says food security depends on the pesticides in use.


News | 4 July 2022

Court action to stop immigrants being denied life-saving healthcare

Two-year-old Zimbabwean boy died after state hospital denied him treatment because his mother had no birth certificate


Law | 30 June 2022

Over 500 Eastern Cape health workers down tools

Nurses want rural allowance. Patients at six hospitals and clinics in the Raymond Mhlaba Local Municipality wait for hours.


News | 28 June 2022

Fort Beaufort Provincial Hospital is a health hazard

Eastern Cape Department of Labour issues an Occupational Health and Safety probation notice


News | 24 June 2022

Officials warn of “collapse” of health service but court says they are to blame

Eastern Cape judges refer damning ruling to NPA to consider prosecution


Law | 22 June 2022

No ambulances for two months in Eastern Cape districts

Vehicles in any case not adequately equipped says civic organisation


News | 21 June 2022

Rural Eastern Cape nurses demand special allowance

Health department agrees to meet nursing unions next week over allegations of unpaid allowances


Brief | 17 June 2022

Scientists sound alarm on badly run medical studies

More than half of clinical trials analysed showed a high risk of bias. It was especially bad for drug and alcohol studies.


Science | 13 June 2022

“I’m broken inside,” says Springs sex worker after botched illegal abortion

SWEAT wants government to make it easier for sex workers to access adequate healthcare free from stigma


News | 27 May 2022

Why independent healthcare inside prisons is vital

Prisoners are overlooked in an already unequal health system


Opinion | 25 May 2022

Fresh air and better houses are weapons in the fight against TB

The disease has been rare in rich countries for 50 years, and one reason is decent housing


Science | 10 May 2022

This vaccine could save tens of thousands of South African lives each year, but we’ll only see it in 2030

Vaccines against TB are much slower to develop than Covid ones


Science | 9 May 2022

Farm workers demand urgent ban on 67 pesticides

Women on farms say that pesticide exposure is making them sick


News | 6 May 2022

Diarrhoea cases in children surge in Cape Town

This spike comes after several years of improvement. A public health expert is worried that sewage spills might be the cause


Feature | 6 May 2022

Eastern Cape paramedics face dismissal

Workers stop work to demand better equipment


News | 5 May 2022