
Garden for psychiatric patients struggles to find funding

Lentegeur Market Garden may not make it through the year

By and

News | 21 May 2019

Drug epidemic overloads state social workers

They make a big difference to people’s lives but the work is tough


Feature | 17 May 2019

Cape Town paramedics protest against work hours

Union also demands health department takes over salary payments of NGO community workers


Brief | 3 May 2019

Grabouw gets 24-hour health service following protests

Residents express delight but still want a public hospital


Brief | 3 May 2019

UN report warns of disastrous consequences of antibiotic resistance

This follows an alarming South African study which shows that doctors and nurses are prescribing antibiotics unnecessarily


News | 30 April 2019

Protesters burn Khayelitsha health facility

“The clinic helps us with tests for chronic diseases. Now we will have to travel long distances to other areas to get treatment”


News | 26 April 2019

Former Sasol Coal miners claim more than R80 million for coal-related illnesses

Company says it took reasonable measures and the period for claims has expired


Law | 25 April 2019

Hundreds march in Cape Town for National Health Insurance

Protesters visit ten private health facilities to highlight unequal access to health care


News | 24 April 2019

Disease haunts Mpumalanga coal town

“The blasting happens every day and you can feel the houses shaking”


Feature | 11 April 2019

Austerity is hurting rural health, says report

“Redirecting money from private to public spending is an obvious area to look at as part of urgent reform”

By and

News | 10 April 2019

Give HIV home test kits to men who have sex with men, say researchers

But public health expert expresses scepticism


News | 8 April 2019

HIV patient files lie on the floor of disused clinic

Closure of Emmanuel Haven Wellness Center in Motherwell has been poorly done


News | 29 March 2019

Testosterone back in stock after stockout

Solidarity march at UCT to raise awareness about drug shortage


Brief | 27 March 2019

Community healthcare workers demand recognition as public servants

Frontline health workers in Western Cape subjected to “unjustifiable, irresponsible and unfair treatment”, says union


Brief | 27 March 2019

Cape Town healthcare workers fear losing their jobs

Concerns over patient care if community workers’ contracts not renewed


News | 26 March 2019