
Social audits and the right to sanitation

Social audits are a valuable tool in implementing socio-economic rights, which is why the response by the City of Cape Town to the social audit of janitorial services in Khayelitsha is disturbing, writes Sandra Liebenberg.

Sandra Liebenberg

Opinion | 22 October 2014

Ebola: Journey to a quarantined village

In her latest article from the frontline of the Ebola epidemic, Kathryn Stinson ​looks for answers in a quarantined village in Sierra Leone.

Kathryn Stinson

Opinion | 21 October 2014

Lwandle residents to SANRAL: where are our possessions?

Lwandle residents who have been rehoused after being evicted from SA National Roads Agency land in June complain that their possessions have been lost or damaged.

Pharie Sefali

News | 21 October 2014

Getting health care to sex workers in Cape Town

Leigh Davids was born a boy, but when she was five, she realised she wanted to be a girl.

Katy Scott and GroundUp Staff

News | 20 October 2014

Week in activism

This week we look at Greenpeace’s call on government to make Eskom comply with pollution laws, a report prepared for Parliament’s Portfolio Committee on Basic Education and a call for the Department of Home Affairs to recognise transgender rights.

Thembela Ntongana

News | 17 October 2014

Makhaza residents protest at Matthew Goniwe clinic

Inadequate treatment, disrespectful staff members, and lost patient folders have become common at the Matthew Goniwe Clinic in Makhaza, say residents, who marched in protest on 16 October.

Joyce Xi

News | 17 October 2014

Hunger: half of SA at risk

One in four South Africans suffers from hunger on a regular basis, according to an Oxfam report released ahead of World Food Day, October 16.

Joyce Xi

News | 16 October 2014

Responding rationally to Ebola

Tightening border controls is not the way to prevent an outbreak of Ebola in South Africa, writes Nathan Geffen.

Nathan Geffen

Opinion | 16 October 2014

A deadly disease that demands huge investment

No doubt you’ve heard there’s a disease about that is infectious, difficult to treat and that has an extremely high death rate.

Nathan Geffen

Opinion | 15 October 2014

Lawyers to sue over uncovered drain

Lawyers representing the Bardale resident who fell into an uncovered drain in October last year say they are still processing the legal action.

Johnnie Isaac

News | 14 October 2014

How an Ebola clinic works

“So just think of the one who is about to die, trapped behind hundreds of walls sizzling with heat, while at the same time, there are all those people, on the telephone or in cafes …” - The Plague by Albert Camus.

Kathryn Stinson

Opinion | 13 October 2014

Masekane: a crisis in the heart of Woodstock

A hacking cough comes from the motley group of people huddled together in a flimsy shack alongside the railway line near Woodstock’s industrial area. It could be from the smoke from the fire; it could be from the cigarette smoke that fills the shack – or it could be tuberculosis.

Ian Broughton

News | 10 October 2014

Ebola: Where are the sick and dying?

The driver puts his fist on the hooter insistently, indicating to oncoming vehicles, people and animals to move out of our path, which is obscured by lush forest at every corner.

Kathryn Stinson

Feature | 7 October 2014

National Health Insurance: struggling to be born

South Africa’s bid to provide universal health care through National Health Insurance (NHI) could fail if government does not learn lessons from other countries, a conference heard last week.

Ian Broughton

News | 6 October 2014

Khayelitsha toilets: the battle for information

Information concerning contracts signed by local authorities should be much more freely available, says Social Justice Coalition spokesman Axolile Notywala.

GroundUp staff

News | 2 October 2014

The week in activism

This week we look at Sonke’s call on government to support an important medical trial and the court ruling in the Limpopo foreign traders’ case brought by Lawyers for Human Rights.

Thembela Ntongana

News | 2 October 2014