Labour unions

Robertson Winery’s 14-week strike ends

Union agrees to 8% but says industry is forever changed


News | 24 November 2016

Robertson winery workers agree to increase but continue strike

Workers have been on strike for 12 weeks


Brief | 10 November 2016

Abattoir workers win unfair dismissal case on appeal

Judge Davis criticises formalistic approach by Labour court


Brief | 22 August 2016

Picketing Aspen workers deprived of water

Union says company is breaking the rules


Brief | 17 August 2016

BASF workers on strike because of dispute over back pay

Workers say that they are owed money for first half of 2016


News | 12 August 2016

Telkom workers demand 11% and end to retrenchments

Striking workers march through Cape Town


News | 11 August 2016

Unions picket Western Cape MEC for social development

Social workers want Albert Fritz to apologise or resign


News | 14 June 2016

Aspen goes to court to stop strike

Union describes many grievances


Brief | 23 May 2016

Marx and the search for alternatives

Economic crisis prompts new interest in Marxism


Opinion | 18 May 2016

A confusion of unions

Talk is of unity, but actions are divisive


Opinion | 11 May 2016

One step closer to replacing COSATU?

A new labour federation hopes to trigger a workers' party


Opinion | 14 March 2016

A union key to a really democratic future

The bloodbath at Lonminโ€™s Marikana mine served to alert more of the public to aspects of feuding and tension that have been ongoing for years and not only at Lonmin and in the mining industry generally. In particular it has highlighted the stresses, strains and battles for power and position within the trade union movement and opened up a number of debates about the way forward.

Terry Bell

Opinion | 3 September 2012