Constitutional Court rules that Jon Qwelane did commit hate speech

But the Supreme Court of Appeal decision on the vagueness of the hate speech law has been upheld. Parliament has been given 24 months to rectify it


Law | 30 July 2021

Triangle Project concerned by delayed hate crimes bill

Prevention and Combating of Hate Crimes and Hate Speech Bill stalled since 2018


News | 28 June 2021

Gay refugees denied asylum by Home Affairs bigotry - report

Organisations analysed letters denying LGBTI applicants refugee status


News | 30 April 2021

Protesters march to Zimbabwean consulate demanding gay rights

Zimbabwean government needs to step up and take responsibility for its citizens’ rights, says reverend


Brief | 12 April 2021

Zimbabwean couple demand gay rights

Yet having fled Zimbabwe, they face “corrupt, homophobic and xenophobic” Home Affairs in South Africa, says NGO


News | 26 February 2021

Home Affairs considers scrapping male and female ID numbers

Gender activists welcome draft new identity management policy, with some reservations


News | 18 February 2021

Women and children hit by refugee office closure, court hears

Sonke Gender Justice is seeking to join as a friend of the court in Scalabrini versus Minister of Home Affairs case


Brief | 12 November 2020

New LGBTQI+ draft guidelines for schools critically flawed say education activists

Western Cape Education Department is evaluating comments on its Gender Identity and Sexual Orientation Guidelines


News | 9 July 2020

Murder of lesbian prompts Mpumalanga march against violence

800 people march after Portia Mtsweni killed in Tweefontein


Brief | 6 January 2020

How we internalise stigma and shame

Biko’s legacy can help us recognise the invader within


Opinion | 4 December 2019

No answers nine months after Thuthukile Mabaso murdered in Manenberg

Activists demand that police prioritise LGBTI cases, murders


Brief | 5 July 2019

Homophobic staff at Cape Quarter coffee shop make chef’s life a misery

Bootlegger management says homophobia is unacceptable and it is rectifying the situation


Brief | 16 April 2019

Testosterone back in stock after stockout

Solidarity march at UCT to raise awareness about drug shortage


Brief | 27 March 2019

Magistrate finds that murder of Noxolo Xakeka was not a hate crime

Bongile Joni pleads guilty, sentenced to an effective eight years in prison


Brief | 11 October 2018

Gay Congolese man’s harrowing journey to reach asylum in South Africa

But Saadi Ali Tokiti says he feels unsafe and unwanted in Cape Town


News | 10 August 2018

Magistrate threatens “uncooperative” murder accused’s freedom

Bongile Joni was released on a warning despite being charged with murdering a Strand woman allegedly because of her sexual orientation


Brief | 18 July 2018