“We trust that you will realise the implications that might be triggered by your ignorance of this memorandum”
News | 5 May 2017
Conditions have improved but not enough, says report
News | 2 May 2017
“It is a surprise that there are people out there who care for us”
Brief | 2 May 2017
“How do human beings live in a detention facility while there are rats?” asks judge
News | 5 December 2016
Sonke is taking prison authorities to court on 5 December
News | 30 November 2016
Raft of complaints about state of correctional facility
By Ciaran Ryan
Feature | 2 November 2016
Youths held in adult prison for 200 days without access to visitors
Law | 12 September 2016
Eight hour wait to see inmates at the prison
Feature | 20 July 2016
Athletics championship in Port Elizabeth brings together 500 prisoners
Brief | 2 March 2016
65 people held in a cell meant for 25
News | 3 February 2016
Pollsmoor detainees speak out
News | 3 February 2016