
Social grants: MPs accuse SASSA of deliberate delays

Post Office’s role in grant payments unclear


Parliament | 15 August 2017

Constitutional Court orders probe into minister’s conduct

Bathabile Dlamini may yet have to pay court costs out of her own pocket


Law | 15 June 2017

Picket targets minister as Parliament votes on social development budget

Protesters shout “Dlamini Must Fall”


News | 25 May 2017

SASSA has two weeks to show plan to phase out service provider CPS

“CEO says everything is going to plan, but where is this plan?”


News | 16 May 2017

SASSA warns workers not to strike

NEHAWU has vowed to down tools on Wednesday


Brief | 20 March 2017

Constitutional Court orders CPS to carry on paying grants, rejects fee increase

Judges slam Minister of Social Development and SASSA


News | 17 March 2017

Social grants will be paid on 1 April, Gordhan promises

Scopa Chairman Themba Godi says there is a “crisis of no confidence” in Social Development Minister Bathabile Dlamini


News | 14 March 2017

Cash Paymaster Services defends its right to profit from social grants contract

Any new deal with SASSA will be a lawful contract, says CPS in court papers


News | 14 March 2017

Constitutional Court calls SASSA to account

Agency told to provide details of new social grant payment contract

By and

News | 8 March 2017

New social grants contract to be finalised by Friday

Dlamini says SASSA underestimated the task of taking over grant payments


News | 7 March 2017

Court bid to stop CPS making profits from new SASSA contract

Freedom Under Law asks Constitutional Court to block fee increase


News | 7 March 2017

SASSA beneficiaries coerced into “green” cards to get loans

Grant recipients told by SMS to move to EasyPay Everywhere card


News | 28 February 2017

US analyst urges clients to sell Net1 shares as concerns mount over social grant payments

CEO hits back at “unbridled slander” from critics


News | 13 February 2017

Old age pensioners should get funeral insurance, says Black Sash

Amendments to Social Assistance Act proposed


News | 6 December 2016

Social grant recipients sent home empty-handed

Systems are down, Pietermaritzburg beneficiaries told


News | 8 November 2016

Sassa fails to stop bribery in queues for social grants

We are a business for security guards, says pensioner


News | 14 July 2016