“Science is an international endeavour - it doesn’t only belong to the West”
By Nicola Illing and Alastair Sloan
Opinion | 8 November 2016
Number of cases has dropped dramatically following bunch of health interventions
News | 16 July 2016
R2 million. That’s how much sport supplement company Ultimate Sports Nutrition (USN) wants consumer activist Harris Steinman to pay for calling its owner, Albe Geldenhuys, a “scam artist”, “liar”, “quack”, “fraud” and “snake oil salesman”.
GroundUp Staff
News | 16 September 2015
New rumours of a “plasma gang” stealing TVs in order to retrieve a powder have surfaced in Cape Town, but police and scientists are unconvinced.
Mary-Anne Gontsana
News | 14 January 2015
Pregnant women with HIV can take three anti-HIV medicines instead of one to reduce the risk of their infants contracting the virus, according to results of a study released yesterday.
GroundUp staff
News | 18 November 2014
It has been a year since regulations were published to protect the public from poor quality complementary medicines. The industry’s response has been characterised by obfuscation, denial and blatant contraventions, writes Professor Roy Jobson.
Roy Jobson
Opinion | 17 November 2014
This week we look at Greenpeace’s call on government to make Eskom comply with pollution laws, a report prepared for Parliament’s Portfolio Committee on Basic Education and a call for the Department of Home Affairs to recognise transgender rights.
Thembela Ntongana
News | 17 October 2014
No doubt you’ve heard there’s a disease about that is infectious, difficult to treat and that has an extremely high death rate.
Nathan Geffen
Opinion | 15 October 2014
One of the major medical advances of the last few decades has been the two-dose vaccine for children against measles. A responsible doctor or public health expert would not do anything to jeopardise public confidence in the vaccine. Yet this is exactly what UCT's Professor Tim Noakes did this past weekend, writes Nathan Geffen.
Nathan Geffen
Opinion | 27 August 2014
This week we cover the availability of generic drug-resistant tuberculosis medication in Khayelitsha, a worldwide anti-corruption campaign taken up by Corruption Watch, a parents’ camp hosted by Equal Education, and an upcoming school infrastructure reform conference.
Michelle Korte
News | 3 July 2014
Nikolas Jankovich is the entrepreneur behind a brand new off-the-grid streetlight developed at Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University (NMMU). The Twerly, he says, will change people’s lives.
Paul Kennedy
News | 11 June 2014
Why are illegal abortions so widely advertised and used in South Africa? Ruth Atkinson has been investigating. She shares some of her insights here.
Ruth Atkinson
Analysis | 10 June 2014
Gang members and competitive sportsmen may share a “warrior gene”, according to Don Pinnock of the Usiko Trust.
Pharie Sefali
News | 23 May 2014
We see them plastered over walls in town, on stop signs, outside schools and even advertised in local newspapers. But what is the real story behind the 1-hour abortion posters?
Ruth Atkinson
News | 21 May 2014
The Department of Science and Technology (DST) has launched an initiative to test new toilet technologies for South Africa’s rural areas.
Paul Kennedy
News | 21 May 2014