
Cyclone Idai: Zimbabweans rally to help each other

Citizens didn’t wait for government to organise relief effort

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Feature | 17 April 2019

Blind Zimbabwean loses refugee status after identity muddle

Blessing Marindo has also lost his disability grant and is struggling to make ends meet


Brief | 28 February 2019

Woman told to go to Zimbabwe to get her South African-born child’s visas

She faces prohibitive costs and may lose her job


Brief | 22 February 2019

Zimbabweans in Cape Town protest against state crackdown

“I would like to know if Emmerson Mnangagwa uses bond notes to book his air tickets and accommodation?”


News | 17 January 2019

Zimbabweans in limbo after giving Home Affairs asylum papers

Special dispensation was meant to regularise Zimbabweans but left many undocumented for years


News | 6 September 2018

What Zimbabweans think about the upcoming elections

“I will be the first person to go to Zimbabwe if a new government is installed next week”

By and

News | 28 July 2018

Zimbabweans in South Africa fear elections won’t be free and fair

Zimbabweans go to the polls on 30 July


Brief | 20 July 2018

Rubbish piles up in Harare

Ivory Park residents complain of poor city services


News | 18 May 2018

Zimbabwe’s nurses complain of poor working conditions

Union says government needs to go back to the drawing board


Brief | 8 May 2018

Zimbabwean army’s crackdown on touts leaves many desperate

Cities eerily quiet in the wake of “Operation Restore Legacy”


News | 13 December 2017

Zimbabweans look forward to post-Mugabe era

But frustration as president fails to resign


News | 20 November 2017

Asylum seekers fear being returned to Zimbabwe

Zimbabweans worry about withdrawal of refugee status


News | 3 October 2017

Panic buying in Zimbabwe

Bond note currency blamed for crisis


News | 26 September 2017

Motorists pay toll fees to Zimbabwe’s pothole entrepreneurs

Holes filled with bricks and sand and motorists charged a “thank you” fee


News | 7 March 2017

Zimbabwean police spike motorists

Officials use dangerous method to stop traffic offenders


Brief | 28 February 2017

Bus fares to Zimbabwe double in December

Companies cash in on holiday demand


News | 7 December 2016