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Topic: Immigration  |  Show questions and answers for all topics

How can a permanent resident's child born under the amended citizenship laws become legalised?

The child will have to apply for temporary visas to be legal, and apply for citizenship when they are 18 if they have only lived in South Africa.

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What happens to ZEP holders' bank loans if they are forced to leave SA?

Usually a person's debts remain active if they leave the country, but it is unclear what will happen if they are forced to leave, as with ZEP holders.

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Can I apply for a work permit even if I am unemployed?

You could apply for a critical skills permit or a general work permit (if you get a job offer).

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Why was my asylum seeker permit blocked when I tried to renew it?

Unless Home Affairs gave you a letter rejecting your application on the basis of it being “manifestly unfounded”, “unfounded”, or ‘“abusive or fraudulent, this was likely a mistake.

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Can the children of diplomats apply to be permanent residents in South Africa?

Yes, if they are dependent, aged between 18 and 23, and studying. They'll need temporary residence first.

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Are foreign nursing diplomas valid in South Africa?

It depends. The South African Nursing Council will recognise your qualification if it meets certain criteria.

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What visa/permit will allow my non-South African wife to stay in the country for longer than 90 days? I am a citizen.

You can apply for a temporary spousal visa or a spousal permit.

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Can I get an ID if I was born in SA to foreign parents but my uncle has a valid South African ID?

Possibly. In terms of the 2018 judgement in the Naki case, Home Affairs should accept and consider your application.

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How can asylum seekers and refugees apply for temporary residence from inside South Africa?

You can get exemption by applying to Home Affairs for a Waiver of Regulation 9(5).

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Can I get permanent residency if my parent does, and I have lived in SA for more than five years?

Yes, if you are a dependent of a permanent residence holder and are aged under 21 years. But there is a massive backlog at Home Affairs.

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