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Topic: Immigration  |  Show questions and answers for all topics

What documents will I need for my baby if I, a foreign national, give birth in South Africa?

You first need to register your baby's birth with Home Affairs, then apply for their passport at your embassy/consulate so that you can apply for an Accompanying Minors Visa.

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Am I automatically entitled to citizenship if I was born in South Africa?

No. You only qualify for South African citizenship if at least one parent is/was a South African citizen or has permanent resident status.

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Why won't the UIF and pension fund pay my wife's money into her Mukuru Bank account?

They may have a specific reason, so you'll need to ask them. If they won't help, you can lay a complaint.

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Can I get South African citizenship by descent if I was born in another country?

Yes, but you may need to prove that you are the biological child of a South African citizen.

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Why have I still not heard back from Home Affairs regarding my appeal for my rejected letter of good cause?

There is a huge backlog at Home Affairs, so the acting Director-General extended existing permits for those who applied or appealed before 20 November 2023.

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Can I get a visa in South Africa when I am customarily married to a South African citizen?

You can apply for a spousal visa on a visitorโ€™s visa from within South Africa, following a Constitutional Court ruling in June 2019.

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How can I renew my South African Retired Person's Visa?

All extensions must be submitted through VFS Global. Here is a list of everything you will need.

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How can a Zimbabwean woman who is here legally register the birth of her child?

She can go to the Department of Home Affairs. Because she and the father are Zimbabwean, the child's birth certificate will not have an ID number.

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What visa can I get if my child is South African and I want to get a job?

You can apply for a relative's visa, but you will need it endorsed to allow you to work if you are offered employment.

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Can my South African-born child register for matric with her passport if I am a ZEP holder?

Yes, her passport will be sufficient to register for matric.

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