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Topic: Social Grants  |  Show questions and answers for all topics

Should my father still change his SASSA gold card to the Postbank black card, even though he receives his pension through his personal bank account?

Yes, I’m afraid everyone must change their SASSA gold cards to the Postbank black cards.

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I tried to register my son a month after her turned 18 for an SRD grant but the website says his ID and grant is already active. What can we do?

SASSA says that if you suspect wrongdoing like that, you must immediately contact their fraud hotline at 0800 601 011, and give them the ID number.

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Why is SASSA not sending me an ID verification link?

It could be that they are struggling to verify your identity because you have a green ID book and your photo is not clear enough.

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If SASSA approves my appeal of a social grant application, will they pay me the money for all the months since I applied?

Yes, SASSA will pay for the months you didn’t receive payment if your appeal succeeds.

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My Gold Card shows it expires in 2027 – do I still need to collect a new Black Card?

Yes, everyone with a SASSA Gold Card needs to replace it with a Postbank Black Card, but you do not need to rush to replace it, unless so instructed by Postbank.

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What happens if I don't repay my debt to SASSA?

You will not be able to access any social grants in future until your debt is paid.

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I can't verify my identity to Home Affairs or SASSA because I don't look the same and my fingerprints have faded.

Accommodations should be made to help you if you look different because you have aged since your last ID photo was taken and your fingerprints are faded.

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Can I be paid my UIF and SASSA pension while also getting money from my old job?

Yes, but SASSA grants are means tested, and UIF and pension benefits count as income, so your grant will be less.

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Will withdrawing my provident fund affect my disability grant income?

It depends whether your monthly provident fund withdrawals put you over the maximum allowed income to qualify for the disability grant.

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If I don't withdraw all the money from my SASSA grant, will the remainder be lost?

No, the money will not disappear, but SASSA says you need to withdraw some of the grant money within 90 days.

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