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Have a question you would like answered? Email us and we may answer it. The questions here are based on ones from our readers, with identifying information removed.

Topic: Labour  |  Show questions and answers for all topics

Can I withdraw my entire pension from my preservation fund if I have not yet retired?

Yes, you can make a full or partial withdrawal before retirement, but you can only do so once.

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How can I report B-BBEE fronting?

You should lay a complaint with the B-BBEE Commission.

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How can farmworkers access their provident fund?

Contact the Agricultural Sector Provident Fund (ASPF)

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What does a ZEP holder need to claim UIF?

To apply for UIF as a foreign national, you need your passport and completed forms U1-28 and U1-19.

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Can I withdraw my pension fund from the savings pot while I am still working?

Yes, you can withdraw from the savings pot once a year, provided it is not less than R2.000.

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How can my employer validate a Zimbabwean citizen's permit?

Home Affairs is the only body which can verify the status of an employee, but it is an exceptionally slow and dysfunctional body.

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What happens to my UIF and provident fund if the company I work for is liquidated?

Your UIF and provident fund money should be unaffected. How you left the company affects whether you can claim your money now.

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Doesย the Prescription Act apply to labour law?

Judges are divided, but it seems the Prescription Act can apply to labour matters.

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I need help with an oustanding Occupation Specific Dispensation payment.

We suggest that you consult your union if you were a member of a union.

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Can I withdraw the full amount of my pension after early retirement?

If you retire, you can only cash out up to one third of the money in your pension fund. The balance will be paid as fixed sum of money monthly.

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