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Answers to your questions

Have a question you would like answered? Email us and we may answer it. The questions here are based on ones from our readers, with identifying information removed.

I got my asylum in Durban. Can I go to another Refugee Reception Office to renew it?

Unfortunately, you cannot.

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Can my stepmother evict me without a court order?

Locking you out and throwing out your property is certainly against the law. No one is allowed to take the law into their own hands like that.

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CPUT student structures have to agree to the ideology of the SRC or face being being kicked off campus. Can the SRC do this?

The SRC has mistaken its mandate, which is to lead, represent and defend the student body according to the SRC Constitution, in favour of asserting its own ideological preferences.

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Can CPUT withhold a student's academic result while student debt is being paid off?

CPUT rules say exam results will be withheld if fees have not been paid by due date.

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How do I apply for a house?

Here are some numbers you could call to find out what happened to your application.

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How do I contest my grandfather's will?

It's hard to contest a will, but you can try Legal Aid.

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When I applied for an RDP house in 2007 I qualified. I am still waiting but now I earn more than R3,500 per month and have been told I no longer qualify. What can I do?

There are two other housing programmes you may qualify for: the Social Housing Programme (SHP) or “Gap” Housing.

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What can I do to get Home Affairs to process a letter of non-impediment for me?

You can either brief lawyers or obtain the letter through one of the law firms that advertise this service. That would take 4 to 6 weeks and is quite expensive.

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Can a person apply for a disability grant and claim from UIF at the same time?

You can receive UIF and a disability or maintenance grant at the same time, but not any other type of grant

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Can I apply for a relative visa for my life partner of 15 years?

You can apply for a Section 26 (B) Life Partner Permit, which is a permanent resident permit that caters for people who are in a long term relationship, but who have not married, as in your case.

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