Have a question you would like answered? Email us and we may answer it. The questions here are based on ones from our readers, with identifying information removed.
You can be sentenced to up to 12 months in prison for entering the country illegally.
A person applying for temporary residence has to apply from outside of the country, but you can get an exemption from this by applying to Home Affairs through VFS Global..
As far as we can establish, municipal land is only sold by a tender process after it is advertised for public participation.
The block of flats (which will be called “The Fulcrum”) has not yet been built.
Marriage does not disqualify her from getting an RDP house, unless her husband’s income is above R3,500 a month.
You can approach the Housing Tribunal and ask that your former landlord be stopped from giving bad references.
Asylum seekers (i.e. people who do not hold refugee status) may apply for a residence permit.
Your husband can appeal to the Minister of Home Affairs.
Home Affairs says that the waiting period for an unabridged birth certificate is three to eight weeks, but many people have complained of delays of many months.
It is entirely legal to film police arresting – or assaulting – someone.