Have a question you would like answered? Email us and we may answer it. The questions here are based on ones from our readers, with identifying information removed.
Disabled people are supposed to be given priority for RDP houses and the houses are also supposed to be adapted to their needs.
The landlord must follow the steps in the Prevention of Illegal Eviction Act.
Most provident funds say you must remain a member of the fund as long as you are employed by the employer participating in the fund.
Home Affairs now has a system where you can check the status of your application by SMS.
Your municipality must provide emergency housing which is dignified and with access to services.
You can take it up with the teacher and principal. If necessary, after that you can approach the school governing body.
SPCA mobile units can transport your cats to hospital for sterilisation and return them to you.
To hold the authorities to account, you have to be organised, so that they understand that there will be consequences for not consulting the community in future.
The courts ruled in 2018 that banks must bring both the money judgement as well as the application for a sale in execution on the same date.
The school does have a right to hand over unpaid fees to debt collectors if a parent has not applied for a fee exemption.