Eight years and counting - sewage spills into Butterworth river

Municipality blames illegal connections for pump station failure


News | 12 August 2024

Apartheid-era hostel causing a stink in Eastern Cape town

More than 200 families live in the dilapidated Molo hostel in Butterworth without toilets - and the smell is annoying the neighbours


News | 26 July 2024

Apartheid-era flats are “a ticking time bomb”

Residents want the broken-down flats fixed; the municipality says the residents must first pay rent


News | 23 July 2024

No, we won’t move, say Butterworth shack dwellers

Residents of Sikiti informal settlement fear they’ll be forgotten if they agree to move to serviced sites nearby


News | 11 July 2024

Butterworth families evicted by chiefs in 2011 are still waiting for promised houses

People of Bhungeni were moved to make way for a mall which has still not been built


News | 9 July 2024

Eastern Cape town’s R7.6-million taxi rank left unused for years

Municipality blames taxi violence, but Ngqamakhwe’s local taxi association says the facility was never finished


Brief | 27 March 2024

R18-million spent but Butterworth public pool has never opened

The swimming pool took ten years to build and was completed four years ago


Brief | 21 February 2024

Parents fear for children’s safety at this crumbling school

Mntla Primary consists of prefabs from the 1980s


News | 30 October 2023

One tap for 1,000 families. And it’s been dry for seven years

Eastern Cape villagers say they have given up asking their councillors for help


News | 20 July 2023

Rural Eastern Cape flood victims left to fend for themselves

The homes of 25 families were destroyed in December 2022. They have received no help to date


News | 21 June 2023

Amathole villagers drink from the river while new contractor for water project appointed

Municipality takes over drinking water project meant to have been completed last year


News | 23 May 2023

Community protest at court to demand release of local “crime fighters”

At least 16 people linked to a crime-fighting group face charges of assaulting suspected criminals in Butterworth


Brief | 28 March 2023

An Eastern Cape municipality promised its residents houses over a decade ago. They’re still waiting

If residents accept a proposal by the province they will get houses with pit latrines and water tanks within two years


News | 5 October 2021

Mud school has one broken toilet for 175 learners and staff

Four grades share one classroom at Centane primary school


News | 12 March 2021

Butterworth residents promised houses in 2008 won’t see them any time soon

Formed in 1986, Yako informal settlement still has no services


News | 26 February 2021

Butterworth water protests politically motivated says municipality

“Officials live in East London … When they take a bath they spend an hour because they have enough water” responds protester


News | 23 October 2020