Khayelitsha sexual offences court is fixed at last

Rape Crisis marks its six-year fight with a celebration


Brief | 7 December 2021

Backyarders occupy houses in Cape Town

City has “ejected” them and laid criminal charges


News | 7 December 2021

Children die in devastating Kraaifontein shack fire

Family pleads for help to bury Akhanani and Ayola Bulani


Brief | 6 December 2021

Victoria Mxenge residents dream of a Christmas without the stench of raw sewage

Since 2019 the community has been battling with sewage spills and waste running down its streets


News | 6 December 2021

“Go to hell Shell” say protesters

Public outcry against Shell’s seismic survey after court case


Brief | 5 December 2021

Call for UCT to urgently divest from fossil fuels

Decision to be made at next UCT Council meeting on 4 December


News | 3 December 2021

Picket in support of Stellenbosch workers

Dispute over work period for workers cleaning the Philippi Horticultural Area


Brief | 2 December 2021

Families struggle to rebuild their homes after Khayelitsha fire

“People were crying, some were running up and down, and others just stood there in shock” says fire victim


Brief | 2 December 2021

River Club was not on Amazon’s short list - court papers

Doubt cast on argument that blocking the R4.5 billion development would cost thousands of jobs


News | 2 December 2021

Media executive linked to River Club developer

CEO of Cape Town media company has boardroom connections to developer’s interests


News | 30 November 2021

Delft landlords battle as power outages chase tenants away

Eskom says illegal electricity connections and vandalism in Delft alone have cost it about R10 million since April


News | 30 November 2021

Stellenbosch University hosts 16km walk to pay off students’ debt

The #Action4Inclusion campaign was started in 2020 and hopes to raise R2 million by Christmas to help those who can’t afford registration, accessing marks and other material


Brief | 29 November 2021

Court grants PRASA another eight months to relocate Cape Town Central Line shack dwellers

Eerste River residents opposing relocation near their community partly to blame for delay says PRASA


News | 26 November 2021

Are informal settlement residents really to blame for Cape Town’s polluted vleis?

An inadequate sewerage system and a lack of access to sanitation are the root causes according to experts


News | 23 November 2021

Philippi informal settlement residents say they are the “forgotten” community of Cape Town

The City says it is unable to assist because their shacks are on private land


News | 23 November 2021