Is this the approach to addiction that South Africa needs?

Free, community-based service offers individual support


Feature | 23 November 2021

Young gardeners are building a fynbos corridor across the Cape Flats

Greenpop’s project aims to “bring Kirstenbosch” to schools


Photo Essay | 22 November 2021

Loadshedding causes social grant backlogs

SASSA says staff are manually filling out applications


Brief | 18 November 2021

Race against the clock to meet court deadline to move railway families

Court ruled that families living along the railway line in Langa must be shown new site four weeks before being moved


News | 18 November 2021

City of Cape Town appeals interdict stopping shack demolitions during lockdown

The City told the Supreme Court of Appeal the interdict has hindered its ability to protect property and to roll out housing


News | 16 November 2021

By the time Home Affairs reopens its Cape Town refugee office it will have taken ten years

Epping office expected to open in September 2022


News | 15 November 2021

E-hailing drivers march through Cape Town

They are demanding that companies like Uber reduce fees


Brief | 12 November 2021

How horses give hope to Atlantis youth

Horse Pals rescues horses — and people


Video | 11 November 2021

State liable for damages after teenager shot by off-duty cop

Court found it “shocking” that officer had been given a firearm despite failing shooting tests and being “consistently incompetent”


Law | 9 November 2021

High Court warns Legal Practice Council “to get its house in order”

The regulator for legal practitioners “twiddled its thumbs” for eight years over delinquent attorney


Law | 8 November 2021

New data shows how badly polluted Cape Town’s vleis are

Unacceptable levels of E. coli persist in Zeekoevlei, Zandvlei, Rietvlei, and Milnerton lagoon


News | 8 November 2021

Climate activists picket at Parliament - accuse COP26 of excluding African farmers

“If there is no drastic change we won’t be able to farm with cattle and maize in a few years time”


News | 8 November 2021

Toddler airlifted to hospital after falling into uncovered drain

Local farmworker movement plans to lay charges against farmer


News | 5 November 2021

Scathing report released on Cape Town’s homeless policies

The more than 400-page report was compiled by The Inkathalo Conversations and commissioned by the City in 2020


News | 4 November 2021

Makhaza finally gets a temporary police station

Police say construction of a permanent police station still on the cards for Khayelitsha


Brief | 2 November 2021

Fire victims wait three years for SASSA disaster grants

Some families have still not been paid out after the October 2019 fire in Vygieskraal in Cape Town


Brief | 2 November 2021