Have a question you would like answered? Email us and we may answer it. The questions here are based on ones from our readers, with identifying information removed.
Yes, SASSA will pay for the months you didn’t receive payment if your appeal succeeds.
Start by contacting the Master of the High Court in the area where your child's parent lived and explain the situation.
If you are a member of a provident fund, your disability or ill health benefit is treated as a retirement benefit.
A letter or affidavit from the owner could work.
No. While you can qualify for the SASSA pension if your income falls below the cut-off point, you cannot qualify for UIF if you are getting a SASSA pension.
Yes, everyone with a SASSA Gold Card needs to replace it with a Postbank Black Card, but you do not need to rush to replace it, unless so instructed by Postbank.
No, I’m afraid there is no way to transfer the house into your name without going the official route through the Deeds Office.
If the employer can provide proof of the shortage, they may withhold benefits.
You first need to try resolve the issue with Damelin. If that doesn't work, you can escalate.
It may be worth trying to increase the number of people in your complex who are prepared to support your cause or contact the Body Corporate if you have one in place.