Answers to your questions

Have a question you would like answered? Email us and we may answer it. The questions here are based on ones from our readers, with identifying information removed.

Topic: Education  |  Show questions and answers for all topics

Can a child be denied attending their matric dance due to non-payment of school fees?

No. Legally, the principal does not have the power to block access to the matric farewell because of outstanding school fees.

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What can I do if I was exempted from paying full school fees but don't have enough money to pay the outstanding amount?

You can approach the School Governing Body and negotiate a revised repayment plan.

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Can my South African-born child register for matric with her passport if I am a ZEP holder?

Yes, her passport will be sufficient to register for matric.

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How can I get free scholar transport for my children?

The school needs to submit the children's names to the Department of Transport.

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Is there a way I can change my personal information on my matric certificate?

It should not be necessary to change the personal information on your matric certificate, but you can apply for the certificate to be verified through Umalusi.

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How can I replace my matric certificate if it has been lost?

You can apply online to replace your lost or damaged certificate issued by Umalusi.

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Can I use my late fatherโ€™s documents to apply for a study permit in South Africa? He was Zimbabwean but had a non-citizen SA ID.

Your father's permanent residence in South Africa does not give you access to study in South Africa.

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How can my husband write matric if he does not have a grade 9 certificate and cannot afford a private college?

He can get his grade 9 and matric certificates for free through the Department of Basic Education.

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Can I, a non-South African, write my matric exams if I only have a valid passport?

Yes, you can write your matric exams and get your results with a valid passport.

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How do I apply for Adult Basic Education Training (ABET) if I don't have my report?

You can make an affidavit explaining your circumstances and ask your old school for a copy.

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