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Topic: Immigration  |  Show questions and answers for all topics

Will an immigrant with expired documents be arrested if they go to Home Affairs?

They might. It would be best to contact an organisation that specialises in immigration matters.

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How can Zimbabwean domestic workers stay in South Africa?

It will be difficult. as they may not qualify for other visas in the Immigration Act.

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Can I get a South African ID if my mother was Zimbabwean but I have a South African birth certificate?

Yes, if Home Affairs accepts the ID number on your birth certificate.

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How can a foreign father add his name to his children's birth certificates?

Home Affairs should help you, but you will have to give a "good and sufficient reason"

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Can you get a spousal visa if you have not lived together?

Yes because you do not have to live together. There is no minimum period of marriage either.

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Can I get a spousal visa for my partner if we are not married?

No, you need to apply for a life partner visa.

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Will my child have all the benefits of being South African if I give them my foreign partner's surname?

Yes, they should if at least one parent is a South African citizen.

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My asylum permit expired and now I'm facing a fine even though all the refugee offices are closed.

You can approach one of the organisations that work with the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees

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Can I stay in SA after my ZEP expires if I have a South Africa-born child?

You need an alternative visa to stay in South Africa. If you can't get one, your child will probably have to go back to Zimbabwe with you.

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Why is it taking so long to transfer my Zimbabwean Exemption Permit to a new passport?

Home Affairs has been particularly inefficient since the Covid restrictions were implemented.

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