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Topic: Education  |  Show questions and answers for all topics

How can my husband write matric if he does not have a grade 9 certificate and cannot afford a private college?

He can get his grade 9 and matric certificates for free through the Department of Basic Education.

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Can I, a non-South African, write my matric exams if I only have a valid passport?

Yes, you can write your matric exams and get your results with a valid passport.

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How do I apply for Adult Basic Education Training (ABET) if I don't have my report?

You can make an affidavit explaining your circumstances and ask your old school for a copy.

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Can I get a South African ID if my mother was Zimbabwean but I have a South African birth certificate?

Yes, if Home Affairs accepts the ID number on your birth certificate.

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Are no-fee schools allowed to charge extra costs?

"Voluntary donations" at no-fee schools are encouraged but not compulsory.

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I have been told that I cannot write my matric without an ID but Home Affairs won't issue me one.

It is unconstitutional to be prevented from writing your matric without an ID or other documentation. Your father can make a sworn affidavit to help your ID application.

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I get an error code on my birth certificate when I try to apply for tertiary education. Is there some way around this?

You will likely need a late registration of birth certificate but you can apply for a temporary ID in the meantime.

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I am unemployed and cannot afford to pay school fees. What can I do?

If you qualify, the school must exempt you from paying fees. If not, they need to inform you in writing.

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Can asylum seekers study without a study visa?

Section 22 documents give the holder the right to work and study in South Africa.

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How can I register for Grade 11 if I have been out of school for a long time?

If you are younger than 21, you would apply to a school by the last day of the first term, for the following year.

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