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Topic: Immigration  |  Show questions and answers for all topics

Why is it taking so long to transfer my Zimbabwean Exemption Permit to a new passport?

Home Affairs has been particularly inefficient since the Covid restrictions were implemented.

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What child support options are available to mothers who cannot supply supporting documents?

They will not qualify for government support, but there may be community programmes that could help.

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How can a mother with an expired visa register her children?

There are a few possible options, but the best route may be to get legal help.

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Is there a visa that lets someone who has a South African child stay in the country?

Unfortunately, Home Affairs does not grant visitor's visas to people who apply in terms of their minor South African children.

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Can I apply for a child grant if my partner isn't South African?

You can apply for the child support grant if your partner is a refugee or permanent resident.

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How can I renew my asylum seeker status online?

Email the refugee reception office where your last extension was made.

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Is it possible for Zimbabwean asylum seekers to apply for South African IDs during lockdown?

No, only South Africans can apply for SA identity documents. Here is how to renew your asylum permit online.

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Can asylum seekers study without a study visa?

Section 22 documents give the holder the right to work and study in South Africa.

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Can Zimbabwean Exemption Permits be renewed yet?

Unfortunately, Home Affairs has not communicated what will happen when the ZEPs expire on 31 December 2021.

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Can I renew my asylum permit online?

Home Affairs online asylum renewal process has not yet started.

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